Your skin suffers in the winter because of colder temperatures and less humidity that dries it out. Fear not. Supersalve balms and ointments can restore balance and protect your skin from harsh climate changes.
Looking after your skin in the winter months is crucial to prevent skin stress and unnecessary wrinkles.
Five Ways to Support Your Skin This Winter
With minimal attention and a big difference to your skin, Supersalve found five easy things to help you and your household protect your skin.
Counter the dry heat generated in your home. We’ve no doubt you’ll be running heaters to keep things cozy indoors, so spare a thought for your skin and run humidifiers in strategic places. Not only will that pump wonderful moisture into the air, but it will also alleviate congestion in the nose and chest.
Many find it difficult to keep up water intake in the winter months. You might be surprised how enjoyable drinking a mug of steamy hot water with a slice of lemon first thing in the morning can be. This will go a long way to hydrate your skin.
Developing this one habit will also serve to cleanse your system, lower your cholesterol, and even out your blood pressure.
You do have natural oils in your skin but they take major strain in cold temperatures. Avoid long showers and avoid piping hot water - as tempting as it may be. Warm water will not dry out your skin.
Without perspiring as much as you might in summer, you may be able to wash less frequently, which will allow your natural skin oils a chance to do their job.
Skins love organic, herbal moisturizers. The body recognizes what you’re rubbing into it and welcomes the natural properties and ‘knows’ what to do with them. Supersalves All-Care Balm has been called a miracle cream by people all over the world. Your skin should not be without it this winter.
Extra tip: Moisturize while your skin is still damp to increase absorption.
If you thought you could get away without sunscreen in winter, think again! South Africa, especially still has a lot of sun in winter. It might feel weaker to you and less hot but the temperature does not affect UV ray damage to your skin.

Supersalve Plus is specially formulated for facial application. Since your face is still exposed even in cold temperatures, it deserves extra care. Treat your family to the whole range and cover every skin contingency.
NB: All SUPERSALVE products are completely free from petrochemicals, parabens and phthalates, and are safe for the whole family, from babies to the elderly and everything in between!