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How Grapeseed Oil Stood the Test of time

No surprises that grape seed oil is extracted from grape seeds but thanks to a prolific wine industry, this byproduct is abundantly available. The interesting thin is that the portent healing properties in the seed of the humble grape have been known since ancient times. Let’s take a quick peek back at the past and then see how and where it is being applied in our day.

Grapeseed Oil and ‘Daniel’s Diet’

The Hebrew captive Daniel of biblical fame, requested a 10-day fare of pulses and water for himself and his friends while in a foreign land. Pulses were derived from any number of edible seeds and was an established part of the cuisine in those lands as it is even today. Perhaps it’s s stretch for people so think Daniel thrived on grapeseed oil extract, but it was used as a dressing on vegetables for thousands of years thanks to grapes being one of the oldest cultivars in the world.

The gut health induced by consuming edible seeds and the medicinal benefits accrued from extracting their oils, is as old as the hills and still works to better our systems to this day. Ancient Greek physicians are on record extolling the health virtues of grapeseed oil. Further back than that, ancient Egypt gets the credit for prolific wine making. (Today, it is said that 30 thousand square miles, which is a whopping 77, 700 square kilometres, of our planet is devoted to grape cultivation.) Back in the day, nothing from either plants or animals used as food was wasted. Oils were harvested and healing properties discovered.

Grapeseed Oil and Your Skin

It’s not just about what we plonk on our skin, its about how readily even what we religiously apply is absorbed. Therein lies the first secret of grapeseed oil’s success story. Everyone’s skin loves it!

Belonging to a subgroup of tannins called flavonoids, grape seeds deliver proanthocyanin, which is a phenolic phytochemical. Beta-Carotene, Linoleic Acid, Oleic Acid, Palmitic Acid, Stearic Acid, and Vitamin E, make up the properties of grapeseed oil. This is the nitty gritty ingredient that protects us so well.

Grapeseed oil is an astringent and an antiseptic which means it cleans, repairs, nourishes and tightens the skin. That means that as a skin balm, we are looking at an ingredient that cleanses, tones and moisturizes all at the same time. It is great as an aftershave on the face or legs. In Supersalve balm it delivers muscle relaxant properties, protects our skin from free radical damage and reduces swelling. Useful for sunburn. Used in aromatherapy, it reduces stress and tension.

Heels, toes, knees and elbows benefit especially from the potency of grapeseed oil. It does significantly mute the appearance of age spots, retards saggy or stressed skin and stretch marks.

Suitable for all skin types as well as problem skins, you can rely on the properties of grapeseed oil to do as nature alone can do, which is to adapt to what is needed on the site we massage it into. A more youthful skin is your reward.

 In summary grapeseed oil:

  • Heals wounds
  • Cleanses skin
  • Keeps skin youthful
  • Hydrates and repairs
  • Alleviates spider veins
  • Is an anti-inflammatory
  • Mutes skin discolorations and acne scars
  • Reduces acne outbreaks due to anti-microbial properties
  • Protects against harsh environments that lead to skin cancer

The Supersalve range of skin balms all have grapeseed oil. Go get yourself a tube of Supersalve Plus for your moisturizer, a tube of Sport’s Rub for those arthritic pains, sore muscles and the knees, toes, heels and elbows thing! Every he should have the family jar of Supersalve All-Care Balm, which is the miracle cream everyone talks about. There’s always come a time when you’ll need to rub it in.

Ingredients: Calendula, Camphor, Clove, Comfrey, Eucalyptus, Grapeseed Oil, Honey, Rosemary, St John’s Wort all nestled a Shea Butter base. The Sports rub has added African Potato and Organic Avocado too.

NB: All SUPERSALVE products are completely free from petrochemicals, parabens and phthalates, and are safe for the whole family, from babies to the elderly and everything in between!

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