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Skincare is a Family Affair

Skincare is not even a question for females. It comes as naturally brushing teeth because they know the recipe of beauty is about great hair, perfect skin and a winning smile. Men? Well, in South Africa anyway, we’re lucky if we get hint of aftershave on a man’s face at best.

Not so in European countries. From early teens, boys are taught about facial skincare and appointments at salons starts happening as soon as possible. What can SA males do to achieve adequate skincare without having to go to a salon if that’s not your thing? We suggest it becomes a family affair, here's how.

Six Super Skincare Tips for Him, Her & the Kids

There will be nothing spectacularly new here, just common-sense reminders. What is needed however, is to instill awareness in the next generation – our kids - about the value of protecting our skin. The way our genes dictate ageing, including the kind of wrinkles and blemishes we’re likely to present with, doesn’t mean there is nothing we can do. Prevention is always better than cure.

  1. Smoking – while steadily losing popularity, some are still tempted or worse, already addicted. Squamous cell skin cancer is greatly exacerbated by smoking as well as wrinkling from repetitive facial movements smokers make - especially between the nose and upper lip, is another good reason to quit.
  2. Sunscreen – we can’t seem to lose the ‘tall and tanned, young and lovely’ look, but no one needs to be convinced that sun protection is a must. Use a lotion with at least a 15 SPF (Sun Protection Factor). Spare yourself the additional wrinkling, the age spots and the risk of cancer. Seeking shade, applying sunscreen and wearing appropriate clothing and headgear matters.
  3. Healthy Diet – it goes without saying that fresh fruit and veggies equals fresh-looking skin. What is overlooked, is that water hydrates the skin only after hydrating the system, so plenty of it counts.
  4. Stress less – one of the most significant lessons we can impart to the next generation, which will reflect on their faces literally, is a healthy, positive state of mind. Ability to cope with life's changes and circumstance, is said to reduce acne and other stress-related skin conditions.
  5. Skincare – facial skin is more sensitive than the skin on our arms and legs, so learning to treat it with respect makes sense. Avoid strong soap, which strips the skin. After shaving guys, there’s no need to scrub the face dry with a towel, patting the face leaves some moisture behind and your skin will love you for it.
  6. Moisturize – even oily skins need it. The beauty of an organic formulation like Supersalve Plus, is that nature’s ingredients know what needs to go where. The ‘greasy T-bar’ syndrome, oily and dry skins alike, will benefit from a natural product that has nature’s inherent intelligence. Welcome to the world of ‘Smart Moisturizing’ people!

Family Skincare Fondue

If you have time to play, try this ‘au naturale’ blend of ingredients for a bi-monthly family facial treat.

Double or triple the following accordingly if your family is more than two:

In a large bowl, start with 1/2 cup of thick plain yogurt, for calcium and protein. Add 1/4 cup powdered oatmeal, which serves as an extractive and nourisher. (You can keep some in a jar that you’ve blended to a powder yourself.) Mash a large cooked carrot, for it’s awesome beta-carotene and an avocado for it's vitamin E into that with about 3 tablespoons of raw organic honey to moisturize and soften. Add an egg yolk for its sulphuric skincare capacity and a good glug  of olive oil as Jamie Oliver always says (1 Tablespoon), to use as an emollient. Mix gently with a fork.

Spread over the face and relax for 20 minutes before rinsing off with warm water and ending with a cold water splash or spritz filtered water onto the face with a spray-mister.

That will have cleared the skin of dead cells which gives an organic moisturizer such as Supersalve Plus, a chance to penetrate right into the deep skin layers. Skincare is worth slotting into our daily routine. Teaching our children to respect and care for their skin is our responsibility and we lead best by our own good example. So, men and boys are invited to ‘man up’ and face skincare’s place in life and girls and ladies, well, do your best to support the guys.


supersalve skincare balm organic

NB: All SUPERSALVE products are completely free from petrochemicals, parabens and phthalates, and are safe for the whole family, from babies to the elderly and everything in between!

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