You already know your skin is considered to be the largest organ of the human body. That translates into a lot of negative health splash back if you’re neglecting something that’s such a big part of you.
South Africans are guilty of skin neglect due to cultural influences of tanned skin being considered ‘looking healthy’ for example. Men in this country leave fussing over skin to women and classify it as beauty treatment. Big mistake!
Whatever your gender, these three facts affect everyone:
- Skin weight - if you're average, your skin weighs about 3 kgs
- Skin function - to protect your organs from germs and infections
- Skin regeneration - every 27 days your skin cells will have rejuvenated themselves
How to Help Your Skin
While your skin automatically works hard for you every day, you need to play your part too.
Being such an organ that covers such a large area, your skin is affected by external land internal factors over which you can have a measure of control.
Negative Impacts
# Environment - global air pollutants are absorbed not just by our lungs but through the skin too. Seasonal changes affect your skin.
What can you do?
- Wash away the invisible grime every day
- Protect your skin from UVA sun rays and moisturize with organic balms in dry weather
- Hydrate from the inside by drinking water
# Poor Diet - your skin needs fresh fruits and vegetables because it draws antioxidants to fight free radicals
What can you do?
- Eat more plant-based food
- Limit ‘fake’ foods that are filled with sugars and additives
- Cut back on caffeine and salt
#Stress & Lack of Sleep - causes the body to produce excess cortisol, which is a stress hormone that will cause all manner of negative skin conditions.
What can you do?
- Ensure sufficient rest
- Learn how you can better manage the stresses in your life
- Encourage skin-shedding, by exfoliating your whole body every 27 days

Treating your skin with organic formulations, oils and balms will nourish it from the outside in. The skin is ‘intelligent’ in that it will protect you from infections and germs but will absorb what it recognizes from nature.
NB: All SUPERSALVE products are completely free from petrochemicals, parabens and phthalates, and are safe for the whole family, from babies to the elderly and everything in between!