Packed with powerful compounds, the properties of the African potato plant work together to help nourish and rejuvenate the skin, providing vast benefits for those looking to achieve glowing and youthful skin.
Cocoa butter is a great natural and organic ingredient to add to skincare products. It is full of nutrients that are beneficial to the skin, providing deep moisturisation and helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, making it a great anti-aging ingredient.
Improved treatments and "tweakments" waiting for approval, have been piling up on the FDA’s desk from before the days of Covid and now they are pushing through approvals, which will result in 2023 trends you're going to be seeing.
There is such a thing as one-size-fits-all if you use an organic skincare ointment. It is thanks to the powerful ingredients straight from nature’s apothecary, which do way more than just moisturise.
Nature knows best and the ingredients in natural and organic formulations provide your skin with everything it needs to balance the ratio of water to oil on your skin.
Your skin comes more into contact with the rest of the world than any other organ but the skin sustains injuries, cuts and scratches, and is often attacked by flying and crawling critters of many kinds.
Switch to organic creams, ointments and balms will significantly reduce exposure to the phthalates found so abundantly in cosmetics, skin lotions, shampoos and bath gels.
With all that your skin protects you from, it may be difficult to remember that it is not plastic! It ‘eats’ and ‘drinks’, in that it absorbs more than you're likely aware of.
What you feed your body and what you feed your skin, work in symbiosis to create healthy, youthful, glowing skin. Teach your children to eat mindfully long before they hit the teen years when the skin starts to reflect what’s going on inside. Every family member should understand their own skin and how to take care of it.
Your body skin will respond to your efforts to exfoliate, brush, nourish and hydrate. Teaching your family to care for their body skin as much as facial skin encourages the self-care ethic we need to offset environmental and incidental stresses to body skin.