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Supersalve herbal organic natural balm

Body Aches & Pains

Body aches and pains are greatly relieved just applying organic topical balm. Source and reasons for body pain is key and medications may be needed. Even then organic preparations make a noteworthy difference.
What Are Your Feeding Your Skin?

What Are Your Feeding Your Skin?

Skin is porous, it either absorbs molecules and those too large become stuck and block your pores. Your skins needs organic nourishment to do its job of protecting you.
Some Fast Facts You Should Know About Your Skin

Some Fast Facts You Should Know About Your Skin

Your skin regenerates ever 27 days. It's your job to make sure you do your part to keep your skin clean and healthy so it can do its job well.
Supersalve organic skin care balm

What are Your 2023 Skin Resolutions?

2022 skincare resolutions for the whole family
The Best Gift For Your Skin

The Best Gift For Your Skin

Vacations can spell havoc for your skin. Organic formulations protect, repair and heal skin cells.
Supersalve organic skin balm

Skin Sense

If you have not yet discovered the benefits of herbal skin remedies, now’s the time to so do. According to the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnol...
Organic Supersalve balm insect repellent

Organic Mosquito Repellent

Once you've learned how absorbent human skin is, you don't want to spraying yourself and your children with chemicals to prevent insect bites. With...
cell care oil

Organic Oil for Your Ailments

Supersalve harnessed the power of nine potent organic ingredients to create a Cell Care essential oil. Minor injuries, strains, sprains, cuts and scrapes or recovery after sports or a gym workout to the itchy skin and aching joints of the elderly lap up this liquid gold and feel the benefits.
tea tree oil acne skin antiseptic

What Tea Tree Oil Will Do For You

Tea Tree as an essential oil is a marvel of nature. Its uses to us for healing properties and antiseptic uses, make it a must-have. Read more to learn how it can benefit you and your loved ones.
Does Topical, Herbal Pain Relief Work?

Does Topical, Herbal Pain Relief Work?

Natural, herbal analgesic creams are soaked up rapidly by the skin. Herbal creams bring a broad spectrum of beneficial ingredients directly into the body via the skin.
Supersalve organic skin balm

Smart Moves For Summer Skin

Skins are reactive organs. They get goosebumps, they ash up when we eat something untoward, the burn in too much heat, the turn blue when we're cold or lacking oxygen. What smart moves can you make for your summer skin?
Organic skincare for the whole family

How to Recharge Your Skin

Skincare suitable for the whole family ios hard to come by. recharge your skin with Supersalve Plus organic formulations in readiness for the summer.